The best driving roads in the world in the palm of your hand
TwistySystems source data is © OpenStreetMap Contributers, provided as open-data under the terms of the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODBL).


Our patented AI navigational technology was borne of a childhood love of maps, travel, sports cars and motorbikes, and a career deploying geographic data systems to target and improve health services in the poorest countries on earth.
We want to share this remarkable technology so millions of our fellow travelers feel more at one with our planetary home. For each of us to discover an individual connection to its natural beauty, to the mountains, rivers, valleys and plains that nurture and sustain us, and to the glorious diversity of humankind.
We want everyone who joins us on this journey to value and celebrate our individualism, agency and personal freedom, and at the same time to cultivate closer connections to our inner selves and each other. To explore, enjoy and share the immense beauty of planet earth and her peoples, and to protect and preserve her for future generations.
The freedom of individual mobility has become one of most powerful cultural emblems since the advent of the internal combustion engine. Now, as we struggle to reduce our carbon footprints and embrace the era of electrically powered vehicles, we have realized that we do not want to give up our personal freedoms.
For so many of us, our vehicles have become symbols of our individual freedoms and distinctive identities They grant us the agency to control space and time, and enable us to enjoy an infinite freedom and enjoyment of motion.
Driving is perhaps the most complex of everyday tasks, and when confronted by twisty, curvy roads, very many of us still prefer to take control. Psychologists now acknowledge that this simultaneously frees up regions of the brain to think deeply and productively, and to take a personal time-out, converting our vehicles into therapeutic sanctuaries, places to muse, to meditate and problem solve.
Or simply to give us a thrilling rush of dopamine as we snake our way through beautiful landscapes.
We will begin with very focused marketing of our AI technology to safely navigate individual motorcyclists and drivers onto the best driving roads on planet earth.
To clear stressed minds of the daily struggle to build careers, personal wealth and status, transporting them instead to the therapeutic benefits of a personal connection between driver, vehicle and nature.
As industry advances the energy and digital technology in our vehicles, switching to more climate friendly fuels, we will build our vision into millions of digitally connected personal vehicles.
We will make it easy to plan and execute memorable personalized trips at a moment’s notice, so anyone can plan to explore and immerse themselves in the beauty of planet earth directly from their digital dashboard, anywhere, and at any time.
B2C Plus
Later still we will extend our vision to other market segments.
For those of us who enjoy hiking, running or cycling we will introduce our technology to plan personalized and curated outdoor training or social activities designed to maximize each individual’s social, physical and mental health and fitness.
5501 Seminary Road, Suite 514 South, Falls Church VA 22041
Email: info@twistysystems.com
Tel: +1 571 331 7093